Are you sitting down?


Today a detective from the police department came to our home on behalf of the detective from the state where husband’s siblings live.


One of husbands siblings accused him of having his alleged mother in our home and not letting her contact them.

It is not true.

They said that she had dementia which is also false.

She isn’t even welcome in our home to visit!

He put her as she requested in a retirement home to be in hiding from the rest of her adult children. She doesn’t want contact with anyone.

His sister had threatened a murder suicide with her and his mom didn’t feel safe living with her.

His brother and other sister were demanding to know how much money their mom has in the bank.

They stalked and harassed his phone to the point of him having him to need to block them and we moved hours away.

I don’t think that this is over.

I don’t see what his siblings are trying to gain by finding out where she is.

Power and control seems to be an issue.

Intent to murder and counting inheritance also are issues.

Life is never boring.

We have evidence of the murder threats against his / their mother from them.

We will be hearing more from the detectives because his siblings won’t give up

Blocking their numbers isn’t enough

Moving hours away isn’t enough

We want peace.

It isn’t going to happen with relatives on either side.

People shouldn’t use the police to harass people for their benefit and not waste the police departments time.

Yet their do, on both sides of our alleged “sides of alleged family


Peek a boo? Where are you and the money promised ?

Alleged “friends” who promised to pay her back when she wrote then blank checks that were signed.

They haven’t been back to see her or called her since they gained their blank signed checks.

A certain date was picked for payback and it has come and gone (a month almost.)

Peek a boo! Where are the friends now husbands mom?

Dear Daughter in law

Why did you give your mom my cell phone number and act surprised I didn’t respond to her texting me?

She is a horrible person who makes you cry. She denied you a childhood and made you cry on your wedding day.

The woman is a manipulative, hateful, cruel piece of trash.

I don’t want people like that in my life or sending messages on my phone.

She is blocked now that she has my number.

If this isn’t what you would like, maybe you should have not just given that woman my number.

She has no power over me.

Remember all the times you called me crying over her emotional abuse?

I have the option to not having her in contact with me on my phone.

If she and I ever share grandchildren, I would be pleasant enough at possible gatherings to her.

The boundary is superficial contact. I will avoid her without being obvious.

It will be easy enough with she and I living hours away from each other.

Her number being blocked is your fault for giving it to her without asking me first.

Don’t give out peoples phone numbers.


To relatives of my husband

Thank you all for showing your true colors and hating me from day one and opting to not love our children as well!

We appreciate that lack of influence that all of you had on them. It worked out for the best.

Also, I appreciate all of you showing your true colors (hate) towards me from day one!

It made cutting all of you off and out of our lives easier for my husband.

Thank you!

Congratulations on being good at being “yourselves.” Well done!


Dear Not dear sister of husband

1. You are alone in the world due to how you treat others and how you view yourself. You are not a victim.

2. You are an example of the downside of social media

3. You are excellent horrible warning of the human I don’t want to be. No one can do better than you on this. For this thank you!

4. While it is lovely that you feel confident and beautiful, reality is that you look like your lifestyle. You have smokers lips and the heavy drinking of alcohol hasn’t done you any favors.

5. Oh and the comments that everyone loves you? Actually, not so, I am on the list of people who don’t adore you or see you as anything special.

6. If you ever need anything, there is a reason why you are blocked on my phone. I am indifferent about you and your well being.

7. I heard that your sports team lost a game. Do you realize that you have no power over them losing or winning? You not dear one matter to no one and don’t make a difference.

Take care or not but leave us alone



It sounds like husbands mom will be looking for a place to live…..

But not with us!

I am grateful that she didn’t even try to hide her hatred of me in front of my husband.

Her choices and her consequences


The in-law drama update

From afar, this information I know….

The nurse sil has brain cancer

The other sil has been disowned financially and in her will. Why? Because she isn’t a nurse and didn’t force her sister to see a doctor when she first had symptoms

Husbands twin brother and not a nurse sister hanged up on dh and falsely accused him of stealing from mil

He didn’t

Dh isn’t speaking to not the nurse sister in law or his twin brother.

However sister in law who is a nurse used her mom’s bank account to pay off her house and pay for satellite television.

He is executer of his mom’s estate and no longer has the ability to see the account totals before paying her property taxes from her account. They admitted there wasn’t enough money in the account.

He is supposed to trust that they moved the money… shock 😳


Dear Not dear sister of husband

1. You are alone in the world due to how you treat others and how you view yourself. You are not a victim.

2. You are an example of the downside of social media

3. You are excellent horrible warning of the human I don’t want to be. No one can do better than you on this. For this thank you!

4. While it is lovely that you feel confident and beautiful, reality is that you look like your lifestyle. You have smokers lips and the heavy drinking of alcohol hasn’t done you any favors.

5. Oh and the comments that everyone loves you? Actually, not so, I am on the list of people who don’t adore you or see you as anything special.

6. If you ever need anything, there is a reason why you are blocked on my phone. I am indifferent about you and your well being.

7. I heard that your sports team lost a game. Do you realize that you have no power over them losing or winning? You not dear one matter to no one and don’t make a difference.

Take care or not but leave us alone


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