gosh i wish my moods would be consistent for once. the past few days i was kinda down. today i am feeling really good. it's one of those days where you wanna be productive. i'm so ready to get my life back to some sort of normalcy. i've never really made new years resolutions, or if i did they didn't last too long. which is typical for most people i guess. 😛 but i want 2007 to be a great year. i want to achieve my goals, & not put things off. i've been working on getting my ged for like 2 years or more. i could have finished a long time ago but my anxiety has held me back. plus i have just totally gotten stuck on the math part cause i'm horrible at it. but it turns out i meet this guy who is awesome at math & he happens to be my boyfriend. amazing how things work out that way. also after christmas i am going to find a therapist. *gulp* i'm just gonna do it, because i know i need to. i'm not going to get thru this on my own. i'd really like to find a job too. my cousin is 16 & just got a job…that makes me feel like a loser. i'm almost 21 & i've never had a job…and i hate using my moms money, shes struggling enough as it is. but my first priority is seeing a therapist, & getting my ged. so yeah….wow i wrote a lot. i'm really self conscious to write blogs on myspace, i always end up deleting them. but on here i don't feel like anyone is judging me. i guess i better stop writing now heh. i'm just excited for a new year & i know things will keep getting better.  


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