I met a guy at the end of march beginning of april. We began to date. He was different from most guys I knew. When I talked to him he actually listened. He was an active listener. He would ask questions of the things I was talking about. We began to have sex. Which has been the most fantastic thing!! The things that I have experienced so far have been really really great! I thought at first maybe I was just turning into his fuck buddy but he lead me to believe there was more to the relationship than that. After about two months he began to stop calling and emailing. Like the novelty wore off. I continued to put effort into the relationship but I have not got much in return. The last time I saw him when we parted I felt a weird energy. Almost like the feeling of this is the last time I am going to see you energy! So today I thought this is my last attempt! I don’t want to be rejected anymore! So I asked if there was any chance of the two of us getting together. He said he was too busy. So I (and I hope this wasn’t a mistake) sent him a message. I said “Im not trying sound like a bitch because that is not my intent. I know you are busy and I know we are not in a commited relationship but Im not going to ask anymore! I suppose if you are interested you can get in touch with me.” He hasn’t responded back and I dont expect him to. He is probably glad to get rid of me. I don’t know what I did. But I would much rather have him tell me he isn’t interested then leading me on. Asshole!! I hate men sometimes!!!!:sad:

  1. sorrowfulpoet 15 years ago

    It”s funny you know. I could easily hate all women for the heck they”ve put me through. Yet its really not ALL of them. Not you,for example, I don”t know you–just the ones I”ve faced in relationships.


    It really sucks to be treated badly–no matter who does it. :/

    Keep fighting for yourself.


    0 kudos
  2. diddypinks 15 years ago

    chin up girl! hes obviously a twit. maybe make the man date you a bit  longer if hes just after that he”ll soon scamper off (under his rock lol) after years of therapy i can now say some men are nice lol good luck diddy

    0 kudos
  3. foozywuzzy 15 years ago

    I”m sorry girl! Sounds a lot like what I”ve been through multiple times over the last year…what I”ve learned is this:

    (When it comes to relationships,) Men are dumb and women are crazy.

    Good luck…one day, hopefully we will all find ourselves a happy relationship 🙂

    0 kudos

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