Autism, or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), encompasses a wide range of neurological variations that influence how individuals perceive and...
Title: The Spectrum of Being: A Journey Through Autism
finlee, , Anxiety, Teens, Uncategorized, Anxiety, Autism, Relationships, 0hi im finlee and i have autism and this is how i see autism magine standing on the edge...
Diagnosis and Suspected Autism
manicdemon, , Anxiety, LGBT, ADHD, Anxiety, Autism, Borderline Personality Disorder, Depression, Domestic Abuse, Medication, Personality Disorder, PTSD, Questions, Relationships, Self Esteem, Sex Therapy, Sleep Disorders, Social Anxiety, Stress, Suicide, Therapist, 0Current Diagnosis: Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) Borderline Personality Disorder...
My story (from abuse, to suicide attempts, to foster care abuse, to homelessness, back to fostercare, now college)
manicdemon, , LGBT, Marriage & Family, Uncategorized, ADHD, Autism, Career, Child, Domestic Abuse, Parenting, Sex Therapy, Sleep Disorders, Suicide, Therapist, Therapy, 0Let’s start from the beginning shall we. I was born March 1st, 2006, at a hospital in Virginia in...
There’s no way out of this, I’m always alone and just need to vent
MuteCryptid, , LGBT, ADHD, Autism, Career, 0It’s stupid that I’m complaining since I’m technically the happiest I’ve ever been, but seemingly there’s nothing I can...
Causation Factor 1. Toxic Friendship
Jaresh08, , Uncategorized, ADHD, Anger, Anxiety, Autism, Bipolar, Borderline Personality Disorder, Depression, Personality Disorder, PTSD, Relationships, Suicide, Weight Loss, 0Causation Factor 1. Toxic Friendship DATE WRITTEN: 03/18/2024 DATE POSTED: 04/06/2024 It has been a year since my...
A plan to recovery when knocking on your front door is socially forbidden
AloneForever, , Uncategorized, Anger, Autism, Career, Domestic Abuse, Questions, Religion, Schizophrenia, 1A no show is always worthless, but what if you actually turn up to these places and find you...
I don’t know what’s going on in my own head
Kati.eee, , Anxiety, Depression, Teens, Uncategorized, Anxiety, Autism, Depression, Suicide, Therapist, 2Hi I’m Katie I just joined today vent About a year and a half ago I stopped going to...