I'm so tired of being TIRED. It sucks. This paranoia disabling my good sleep is ridiculous…I'm knocking myself out...
TRACI, , Depression, Medication, Religion, 0Today didnt start of so good. I kept waking up on & off during the night with a head...
TRACI, , Depression, Medication, Religion, 0Today didnt start of so good. I kept waking up on & off during the night with a head...
TRACI, , Depression, Medication, Religion, 0Today didnt start of so good. I kept waking up on & off during the night with a head...
Friday was hard. I woke up feeling like my heart was about to beat out of my chest and...
Flat out tired ~ washed out, color free. But yet I cannot sleep; the hours creep by and sleep...
Eddie decided to stop writing. As he explained, all his problems are related with present, and he doesn´t want...
It's a little after 3 a.m. and I'm blogging. That in itself should be an "uh-oh" sign if there...
spirit88, , Anxiety, ADHD, Anxiety, Child, Depression, Medication, Relationships, Religion, Sleep Disorders, Therapist, Therapy, 1Before God created the light there was darkness. When he created me, there was light before the darkness. I...