Flat out tired ~ washed out, color free. But yet I cannot sleep; the hours creep by and sleep still evades me. Stupid Abilify; not even OTC sleep aids can help with this now. Maybe I need to take another pill ~ it says up to 2 and I only took 1.

My mind is whirling again with thoughts of what needs to get done tomorrow; teach violin lesson, pick up pills, go to the petstore for a sweater for the dog and rabbit snacks, go to Wal-Mart for groceries, do laundry, vaccuum the house, etc… Why if I've bottomed out is this still happening? I'm ready to strangle my doctor for putting me on this stuff ~ it seems to be causing rapid cycling in me. Every day I'm different or can change almost instantly. I started bawling tonight in the middle of a funny show that I like. What the heck?

So I talked with the tattoo artist today. I looked at his work and was enamored. He's definitely the guy for me. He does a beatiful job melding colors so they flow into one another. That phoenix on my page is something I've been wanting for a long time. It will serve as a reminder that no matter how many times I fall, I can always get back up and try again. Yes, I promise I've thought it through. It might be a Christmas present to me from my husband ~ we'll see. Tomorrow I go see him to show him the image and see what he can do and give me an estimate. This won't be a large tattoo, about the size of my palm is all. It will go over my heart.

I want to send out a special thanks to Jasper tonight for saving me from my own self-pity tonight. Thank you so much. I appreciate it more than you know.

Other than that I'm cold and I'm going to TRY to go to sleep again. Maybe some yoga breathing will help.

Goodnight all and sleep well. ~ Key

  1. iris-dar 6 months ago

    Hey Sadviolinist, I have a tattoo in that exact spot!!
    Here is some good advice I got from an older friend who has lots of tattoos, Tape a copy of the image [ in the size you want ] to a mirror you use everyday. Look at it every day for a year! if after that time, you still want it, then you have not lost anything. If you do NOT still want it, you will have saved yourself some pain & $ 🙂 btw, getting a tattoo to be clear on darker skin can be difficult, even with “white” inks. I have heard that getting a tattoo removed is worse pain than getting it in the first place.
    Be sure to look through their entire portfolio of completed work. And if you can, ask to see another person, face to face with the same skin tone as you, with a tattoo in the same colors. Maybe offer to pay for a meal with them…. to encourage them to agree, “sweeten” the deal so to speak.
    Getting a tattoo on part of my breast bone hurt so badly that I had to ask them to stop, and go back another day for them to finish it! Do yourself a favor and take some pain meds before you start, but no drinking or getting stoned okay? I have not met a single tattoo artist who will willingly tattoo anyone who is drunk or high!
    Best of luck!! and have fun picking out the image. Sending hugs and hope – Iris

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  2. iris-dar 6 months ago

    Hey Sadviolinist, It is me, Iris again… I know that developing breasts after getting a tattoo in that spot will stretch and modify the image and text I already have. But, I feel so lucky to even have the chance to grow breasts, that I am willing to take the chance.
    If I am going out in warmer weather I am always happier if I can “cover” an image I do not want to share.
    For me, my tattoos are very personal, so I want to have the choice as to who sees it, and when. If anyone sees my tattoos (well some of them) they always ask “what is that” because they cannot read it. It is not written in a common alphabet. My typical smart-ass response is, “A tattoo”. But everyone is different, do what makes YOU happy.
    Sending you some more hugs and hope – Iris

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    • iris-dar 6 months ago

      And Iris again…. my largest tattoo cost me around $ 700.00, it is on the back of my right scapula ( shoulder blade) … and no, I am not telling you what it is. 🙂 I am being childish and sticking my tongue out at you… 🙂 sending you even more hugs and hope – Iris

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