Thougths and opinons on the following info is requested e-disorder.html =2480 Howard Stern the famous radio...
TMS Treatment
SeanC, , OCD, Anger, Anxiety, Career, Child, Chronic Pain, Depression, Obesity, OCD, PTSD, Relationships, Religion, Sleep Disorders, Stress, Therapist, Therapy, 0Thougths and opinons on the following info is requested e-disorder.html =2480 Howard Stern the famous radio...
“Baby, I''ve been here before. I''ve seen this room, and I''ve walked this floor. You know, I used to live alone, before I knew you.”
thebadkitty, , Depression, Bipolar, Grief, PTSD, 1I appreciate the concern some of you have expressed over my sudden lack of blogging. I am okay. Talked...
First blog: Why I am here.
freetobeme, , OCD, Anxiety, Depression, OCD, PTSD, Questions, Relationships, Therapy, 0I think I will just jump right in. Why am I here? Because I need to relate to...
I woke up hating myself this a.m. I had a dream about Charlie, listening to that damn recording, and...
Less pain, more cigarettes
thebadkitty, , Depression, Anxiety, Forgiveness, PTSD, Relationships, Religion, Sex Therapy, Sleep Disorders, Suicide, 0I’m feeling a little better about things today. Like… it all seems a little more possible. I don’t know...
Some of you have read about this already. I recently wrote a blog about the source of my ptsd. ...
It''s been a while…
solitary_siren, , Depression, Career, PTSD, Relationships, Sex Therapy, Weight Loss, 0I don’t really know why I’ve neglected this site recently, but I’m back again. So…still working at the hotel...
A word to the posers
mamabear18, , Depression, Anxiety, Bipolar, Depression, Personality Disorder, Psychosis, PTSD, Schizophrenia, Stress, 0Normally I’m not confrontational here on D Tribe, I try to be understanding and until now...
48 Laws of Power
fallen_paradise, , Depression, Anger, Anxiety, Depression, Obesity, OCD, Parenting, PTSD, Questions, Religion, 0I’m not sure how many of you are familiar with the book 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene...