I think I’ll start with the good stuff for a change.


Basically, I just want to say thank you, from the bottom of my heart, to everyone that offered their condolences regarding my bereavement. Each one helped in it’s own way and I wish I was brave enough to write you all an individual thank you but I’m really not up to it at the moment. So yes, to all of you, thank you.


Also, I have just beaten my high score on Connect 4. I know you probably don’t care but it made me happy as I’m usually crap at these games. So I’m sharing my joy.


Also, www.channelmogo.org < watch the video "End of the line" on the homepage. That girl is me haha!


On a slightly sadder note (I’ll keep try and keep this stuff short), the wake of my Aunt is tomorrow evening and I don’t know if I am strong enough to go. It’s 3 in the morning and I’ve been trying to write something to say for hours and I just can’t do it. Nothing is right you know? Nothing says what I want it to. It’s very frustrating.


Oh and I told my Mum and Dad about my OCD the other day. It went badly. Very very badly. I feel like such a disappointment. It’s all my fault.


Oh and I have kind of accepted defeat on the exams front. There really is no point since I’m struggling to simply manage my thoughts during my revision. Forget a top university, I’d settle for getting into one full stop. That would be cool lol


Ironically… I’m working on not radiating my depression quite so much. The way I see it, if I ignore it or I just act like I don’t feel it… Then I won’t right? Or at least other people won’t worry about me I suppose. That’s the last thing they need right now. So, Ray’s happy happy happy happy from now on 🙂 (Just ignore the sad bits lol)


Hope you’re all well and yeah, no more sad blogs from me… hurrah! lol




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