I went to the store earlier today. Not my idea of fun at any time. Anyway, my mother and I were looking at a couch and wanting to know if it came in another color. Well, these other people were back there, looking at couches, too. This guy, the worker guy, came and so was this older lady. The guy started to ask my mom if she needed help, but the older lady practically yelled, "I WAS THE ONE WHO ASKED THE CASHIER FOR HELP. NOT THEM!" We looked at each other like, 'okay'. It wasn't that big of a deal. The man was still standing there looking at us, but my mom told him we could wait if she had asked for help first. We didn't know, as we'd just gotten back there a few moments ago. Anyway, we were talking about the couch and the man finished with the other ladies. They were walking past us when the older lady went, "We just bought the couch." I was mad, yeah it's that time, and said, "Oh, right. I guess we'll have to buy another couch since they only made this ONE couch in this ONE style." My sarcasm was wasted. I believe they actually thought that that was the only couch like that in the entire world or something. Oh, well, some people are just … strange. Anyway, then the guy comes up and goes, "Man, they sure were rude, weren't they? Well, can I help you, now?" I loved him at that moment and didn't even know him. Anyway, we asked if the couch came in another color, he said no, then we left. Yeah, so goes another visit to a store. Lol.

I spent the rest of the day doing homework and being hot. It wasn't really that hot, but I had on a lot of clothing and it felt hot. I just decided to get online and see what's going on. Not much, really. I'm tempted to go to the chatroom, not the one on here, but I always have the worst bits of luck there. I seem to attrack the cybering, want to send me nude pictures type of strange-o's. I've been going the past few days and only met one sort of normal person. Well, he didn't ask me any sexual questions so that goes for sort of normal in my book. What's with peopl sending you an IM and asking you, "What are you wearing?", "What size are your boobs?", or "You cyber, right?". OMG! I don't cyber and have put it in my profile. Doesn't stop the questions, though… sad.


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