Hi Guys. Me here again, AngryAtheist. I just wanted to get something that’s been bothering Me for years off of My Mind…..Now, I know a lot of you online on this Tribe are probably Religious And/Or Spiritual in some way or another, And In order to be respectful of this, I will try to be as kind and sensitive as I possibly can. So Here We Go…..

I’ve wondered for many years of My life now (Since I was very young) about whether God exists or not. And If He does, does he really care about our planet and our people? Does he genuinely care about any of us on this Tribe? He has given us all OCD. WHY? This has always made me angry. And yes, At the total risk of getting kicked off of this Tribe, I will say it: I am VERY angry at God right now, If He is real, and He really exists. First of all, The World is a mess right now, more than ever before (My Parents just watched the 10:00 p.m. News). Just look around You, People! 9/11, Mass Shootings, Coronavirus, Ebola, hunger, Poverty, Sickness (Including Mental Illness), The War In Ukraine, All The Hurricanes that are currently slamming various parts of our world (Ian, in Cuba and Florida), and Fiona (On the East Coast of Canada, My Home Country), And the murder of Indigenous People in Canada, by Residential Schools. THIS is a non-exhaustive list of all the problems the world has faced, is facing right now, and will face in the future. It is only going to get worse from here on, believe me! Buckle up, People!

Ah Yes, Now that I’ve got all that off my chest, let me get into the questions, Please. I know that My name on this Website is AngryAtheist_withOCD, But In actual fact, I am more Agnostic than I am an Atheist. I just think that If God was righteous and fair, than why is life so unfair?

If God really loves us, then why: 1) Did Hurricane Ian leave millions of people without power, and currently homeless?, 2) Do Children die of Cancer?, 3) Are there so many Mass Shootings in the world, especially in the United States?, 4) Are 1 in 5 People going to experience some form of Mental Illness within their lifetimes?, 6) Why is there Child Abuse?, 7) Why is there Elderly Abuse?,  8) Why do we have so many corrupt Governments and Politicians?, 9) Why has EVERYTHING become about money and power?, 10) Why are there SO many people who can’t afford LIFE SAVING TREATMENTS, Simply because They don’t have the money to afford it?, 11) Why Do Poor People live in slums, in the worst conditions imaginable?, 12) Why is there so much Animal cruelty?, 13) Why are Human Beings systematically destroying our own Planet?, 14) Why has COVID-19 killed and sickened (And left permanently disabled) MILLIONS of People around the World? 15) Why is are there still conflicts And Wars, All around the World?, 16) Why did one of My Friend’s Sisters die from a terrible, Tragic Car Accident, 22 Years ago TODAY?, 17) Why does one of my Friends have a severe form of Muscular Dystrophy?, 18) Why are there a disproportionately huge population of homeless, Mentally Ill People, 19) WHY DO BAD THINGS HAPPEN TO GOOD PEOPLE?…………AND Finally, 20) WHY IS LIFE SO DISCUSTINGLY UNFAIR?

I challenge all of you, or at least some of you, To at least try to answer these 20 questions for Me, And Please tell Me, If there is a loving God, Is He really a Benevolant one?

Thank You for taking the time to read this.

Jennifer, The Crazy Canuck.

1 Comment
  1. brooklynnloves1 2 years ago

    Hey, my name is Brooklynn, and I just wanted to comment on this. To answer your question, I there is a God and Jesus and yes they care about us. But he God doesn’t give us these illnesses I guess you could call them, the devil does. What I learned is that he gets permission from God to do this to test our faith and trust in God and to see if we will still turn to him. I also learned that God wouldn’t give us something that he knows we couldn’t handle. I hope this helps you and have a blessed rest of your day

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