My husband is aware of the problems Ive had with anxiety and has been supportive. In the past year, Ive been obsessivley worrying about what was "wrong with me" (the new mild depressive symptoms Ive been having) and that has led me to constantly "research" online, trying to figure it out. ("Maybe my hormones are screwy…maybe Im nutrient difficient…maybe Im bipolar…etc…etc…ETC.) I try to be a little sneaky about it because I realize the obsessing & researching at times has gotten a little excessive, to say the least, lol. My husband is mainly good humored and teases me about it how Im always trying to diagnos myself as this & that; other times he gets a little frustrated, wondering why Im spending so much time thinking about this irrational stuff instead of stuff I should be thinking about (how we’re going to pay our bills, etc.) and why I don’t hear half the stuff he tells me (because Im stuck in my head obsessing.)

So…now Ive figured out that this whole time Ive been preoccupied with this crap was because I have OCD and thats how my brain is working right now. Im relieved to have it figured out and want to tell him but I don’t know how to. Im worried he’ll just think Im giving myself another condition and be skeptical because the OCD I have isnt like the OCD people are familiar with. And even though he has always been supportive, there is a part of him that I think is like "Ok, enough of this. Suck it up and get over it already!" He’s never said this but Im sure he thinks it to himself sometimes. I can’t blame him, as if the situation were reversed and I had never been through it myself, I might feel the same way.


1 Comment
  1. kizeemimi 15 years ago

    Thank you everyone for the thoughtful comments. I think I will just wait a little while. I guess theres no real rush to tell him anything. Next time I go to the dr I will see about a diagnosis and then take it from there.

    0 kudos

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