Im furious.

 So as I mentioned in my last blog, my dad has decided to sell the house im living in. Now, that’s cool, a change will do me good and its not like I haven’t been living alone for years anyway, but the nature in which he is doing it has left me in a rush to find a new place (im starting University so I have no idea what my timetable will be so I need a new job to fit around it as well) and as a result…im a little bit stressed. Haven’t been sleeping well and OCD is back…bah! Despite this my dad hasn’t called me all week…last time we spoke he visited the house for 5 mins to pick up some shoes, said hi and left. So he spoke to my sis today and she said “call Gareth cos he’s really down about the house.” He was amazed that I would be down at all….and so he rang me (I found out he was told to call after the fact). I was pissed cos he had taken so long to ring but I gave a good shot at boosting his confidence about the sale while at the same time not lying to him about my concerns. It went from bad to worse when he said he was selling a kiln that we keep in the outhouse. Good I said cos I knew it was worth £700 new and only been used twice so he should get a good deal on it. He proceeds to tell me that he found a buyer and that he offered to sell it for £200….to which I responded “Huh? Why u in some massive rush to shift it?” and then we started shouting and he ended up hanging up on me. Not sure if all he wants a yes man or what but was just what I needed….to be ignored for a week…then to be shouted at. My sister gets this from him all the time, but she has an infinity of patience. I do not and im pretty much ready to tell him to go do one and not speak to me again. Sigh.


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