So, today officially marks a month. The longer we are away from each other, it seems we fall in love deeper and deeper. I have so many rushing feelings and to be this open to people is a very rare thing for me. It’s like seeing me choose ants on a log over a doughnut (the life of a carb addict, but there’s nothing wrong with ants on a log)). She has a son that I just learned about, so I want to be a good father (not struggling as much with my daughter, but it’s still rough). I’m trying to see if I can meet her at the movies on Friday (to celebrate after graduation and the one month, naturally). Not sure if I’m going more comedy or action (ehemm, Endgame or Detective Pikachu), but I’ll see what works (if it works, and if it doesn’t, there’s still plenty of time (but, trying to be out of the house as long as possible, because all them hormonal girls are bitches)). But, hey, I’m doing what I can to be patient! Don’t want to be a typical abusive male. I’m not like that, nor do I want to be (I have a caring nature, even for jackasses who don’t deserve it). Sure, I struggle. Sure, I take it out on others when that’s not my intention, but that’s human nature! Right? This whole journey is a process. I mean, you don’t just start out Pokemon with the Legendary Bird Trio! You start with the Starters, so that’s what I’ll have to do (anything but Magikarp, though!). Anyways-off the nerd talk-I love her deeply. I’ve know her for a year (give or take) and to think I realized how bad I had it for her after watching Love, Simon is pretty damn funny. I haven’t felt this kind of happiness in a long time, so I’m enjoying where this is going. And, for once, I’m fixing myself, so I’m hoping that helps this, too. We’re really cheesy when it comes to the romance, but I love it. *Giddy girl squeal*


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