hello, my name is noah, i am a transgender guy. (ftm)

but i have to bring something up that i feel needs to be touched on. what i’m talking about is people faking being transgender.

if you are identifying as a gender other than the one you were born as, and you are planning, or are making changes you can not take back to your body, you MUST have dysphoria. you need dysphoria to be trans, if you don’t have it, you’re not transgender, that simple. even though it is hard to figure out if it is puberty, hormones, or just plane internalized homophobia, if you’re a girl who likes girls and you think it would just be better if you were a guy who likes girls. it could also be body dysmorphia, and or, being insecure.

dysphoria and the meaning, dysphoria, meaning- gender dysphoria is a condition where a person experiences discomfort or distress because there’s a mismatch between their biological sex and gender identity. It’s sometimes known as gender incongruence. Biological sex is assigned at birth, depending on the appearance of the genitals. (meaning from google)

nonbinary, and gender fluid is not scientifically proven, and i may sound rude, but i personally do not 100% believe in it, i will accept your pronouns and everything, but i can not wrap my head around it. there are male and female brains, that is an actual fact, if you have a male brain and female genitals, you are transgender. or the other way around.

nonbinary, a gender not scientifically proven, is when you do not have a male nor a female brain i assume, but even though you are not male or female, to be nonbinary i do believe you need dysphoria for this as well.


thank you for reading, please understand i do base most of my opinions on fact, and i do not mean to hurt anyone who identifies as a thing that is not scientifically proven.


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