Okay, I know it has been a while… but I have a good story and some troubling news. I will start with the happy story, okay? Maybe save the news for the next posting.  🙁
I was out at a local eatery that has a large outdoor seating area, imagine twelve of those wooden picnic tables behind and outside the restaurant. Strings of lights overhead, small trees and shrubs along the gravel pathways that wander between the tables.**  I was alone except for Bob the dog whom they were fine with, if he stayed outside with me. 🙂   Which of course is why we came to eat here!   They even brought him a bowl of water and I gave him a few small treats I routinely keep in my (now ever present) messenger/shoulder bag. No, it is not a purse, the tag said so! Anyways…
I was eating a huge mixed green salad with goat cheese and sipping some hard cider, my limit is only one drink.  Yes, I know I will not be 21 until Halloween, but Brian remembers me from the grocery store where we have been flirting for a while, and he has his second job.  btw, He is a red head, 22, is always a complete gentleman, and has a great ass.  🙂  It has been completely “PG” between us (blush) no hugs yet (or ever?), just shaking hands at this point…  …although he has carried a bag of potatoes for me.  he let Bob lick his hand, and I know he lives in town.  🙂
No last names (yet).  It is an epistolary relationship, yes I know you will likely need to look this up, isn’t learning fun !?!  Anyways, we only know each others PO box numbers.  If you remember parts of my history you understand why I am careful, yes? ***
Anyways, I am getting way off topic.  I was sitting at this table big enough for eight, but it was just me and Bob.  So I has no problem with Ian and Beverly sitting at the far end…  We had an awesome conversation, moved closer together and talked for more than an hour.  🙂  Bob did get a pat from everyone and eventually we exchanged phone numbers… Oh, did I mention that both of them are really cute?
I will share more later, sending all of you a hug and a smile.  Ciao,  Iris

** Covid, did have some positive effects like this outdoor seating area.  🙂

***  I will be getting my concealment permit after I turn 21, and besides I never go out without Bob, who is not dainty.  I mean he could eat a Chihuahua but he is too polite to do that.


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