Poetry is a beautiful thing….I wish I could write well…Like I used too, actually I am sure I still can but dont take the time…Time…wow that is something I have been lacking as of late…My world accelerated from good to great to bullshit in less than 60 minutes…it was fucking amazing.,..Now I am sitting and seeing that the alcoholic thought is not always the first thought..for me its an ADDICTS thought..and fuck me today I should have followed it cause it said RUN…Run like you never have before…But I didnt I stood there and waiting for what I am not sure, got blindsided…My amazement comes from being able to move foreward at a rather pleasant rate.  Leaving a small cloud behind, just enough to settle over the ramains of the day…Before I wander off upon another shiney thing to disract me, I chaired the noon meeting today, topic 12 reward…and the freedom of a happy life, instead of the bondage of an alcoholic obsession. ..yeah so what I know it isnt conference approved but thats how we roll at the Oak Hill Group! HA  It was a stellar meeting…I do so enjoy listeing and sharing…Life is still good and much is always spinning in my world…Living is just that….I dont have to hide…I like that, I like me a little more everyday…I have cultivated a wealth of good friends online and off…Im not sure if I ever was really alone in any of this…I suspect even in my darkest hour I knew God was there…Just couldnt believe ANYONE or ANYTHING could love me….Not after all the atrocitioes I had done…Well a long time ago It dawned on me that if It has a name someone else has done it already.,.On that not my loving tribe I am off to bed…my day is over and I looked to see and today I am 138 days clean and sober…Who would have thunk it?  Love to all…Mike


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