I am not going to reach out to the ex. However, this is what I want to say to him!
Dear ———-
Did you ever realize how much you were loved by me before you treated me the way you choice to do!
I visualized you as a older person, and even someone who lost his handsome face due to a accident etc…. I still loved you. I could of seen changing your adult diapers if you had a medical situation, feeding you if you are too ill to feed yourself…. I would of stood by you through the ups and downs of life.
Remember when you reached out to me and said you were sorry and wish we were still together?
The reason why I couldn’t marry you is because you treated me in a abusive manner. It broke my trust in you. You broke my heart!
Thank you for showing your true character though. I know I would of married you if you would of not been abusive! I know you could of hidden it and then showed abusive traits after marriage and a baby could of been involved.
I don’t know why you opted to treat me the way you did. I do understand how you think and accept you as you are because of all my research. You are the man who lost me. I would of loved you like no other. You blew it. I know that you know it.
Thriving without you,