I'm 35 Married and I have 2 kids a son 14 and a daughter 5. I have been married 15 years. My husband is very understanding about my OCD but sometimes I know he gets frustrated but for the most part he's patient. I can't remember when I started obsessing I guess at a young age . I recall having to sleep a certain way and having to have all my things a certain way my Mom was always a clean freak she still is to this day . I don't mean to offend anyone by that . I didn't notice my OCD really till probably my early 20's I suffered from an eating disorder for years and after that ended I realized I had OCD . I still have major issues with food. Sometimes I feel so messed up I sit it watch people and just imagine what it might be like to be normal. I did the drinking thing for awhile to cope until it started causing to many problems for me then I went to AA . And learned I did have a problem so I quit drinking to run from OCD . I have never told my family about my illness because I'm afraid of what they'll. think of me . My husband is the only one who knows about my dirty little secret but I think my son is starting to catch on. I have the OCD where I'm compelled to do rituals. And I fear if I don't do them I'll get fat crazy I know but that is my fear . Wow I've never told anyone that except for my therapist. Yes I have been to therapy but it always seems for the most part that their to busy to help or I just don't have the budget for it right now given it's about $200. An hour. So I've decided to try to beat this myself. I just got over a very bad bout of depression with the help of some vitamins and herbs. Oh yeah I'm also not a fan of prescription drugs. I think there are way to many ulterior motives for Dr's to push certain drugs on you . Plus the side effects can be to detrimental to your health sometimes worse then coping with what is already wrong with you. So I've decided for myself to go the vitamin and herb way . Well that is a little bit about myself . I have very much enjoyed coming here and reading everyone's blogs. I'm very happy my husband found me this website it is a great comfort to know I'm not alone in this battle… :0)

1 Comment
  1. rainingoctober 11 years ago

    It is great your hubby is looking out for you! It is always a blessing to have people there for you during your struggles. Hang in there, you are not alone!

    0 kudos

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