"My Whiskey Affair"

I was lonely confused and unheard
My pain hidden from the world
I turned to you my friend
You eased my pain
Told me that everything would be okay
You made everything new and fun
I forgot reality
Those nights I cheersed to you
Woke up with your taste still on my breath
You're the mistress
I hid from the world


You promised you were different
You were exciting
You were my solace
And my answer


Things were great for awhile
Until I became attatched to you
You were supposed to be casual
I took things too far
I didn't want to give you up though


Through carelessness
You met my family and friends
They didn't like me when I was around you
I started to not like myself around you either
In too deep
I couldn't seem to give you up


I became resentful toward you
Angry with everyone but myself
I betrayed my girlfriend for you
Rightfully so
She could not forgive


All I had left was you
Our affair became more intense
Every night I embraced you with my lips
until I passed out from exhaustion
I'd wake up depressed
With deep regret


My life began to unwind
As you consumed me more and more
I ignored those who loved me most
For my mistress who was no good


My pockets ran thin
You broke my bank
When the money was gone
So were you
I tried to keep you satisfied
I scrambled for money wherever I could


The bottom of the bottom
I needed help
I had no money, no love
Not a thing to my name


I thought about the love I once had
And Miss Whiskey, you weren't it
No  matter how hard it was
No  matter how bad I craved
I knew I had to be the one to leave you this time


46 days without you, mistress
Though I still think of you
I won't come back
I have love in my life again
I don't need you



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