Again, it's been a while since I've been on here. I really do need to get on more often. I think it might get better onece our internet is upgraded. Till then, I have to rely on dial-up or someone's unsecure wireless that comes and goes. 

Anyway, I went to the doctor today. I told them that my heart has been beating weirdly, and that i've had chest pains. They decided to try this thing where I wear electrodes for 2 weeks, and the device sends a signal to the manufacturer of the device, which is how all the stuff gets recorded. There's a bit more involved in it, but I won't find that out till next week. See, they couldn't get the device to send the signal to the company, so I have to go back next week. 
I just want to know what's wrong with me. Part of me also kind of hopes something will happen while I'm asleep and I'll just never wake up. 
I ended up going about 2 weeks without my meds, which led to a complete meltdown. I could seriously not stop crying. I did not want to go without my meds, but the pharmacy was having problems verifying the dose with the doctor so that the insurance company would know that my high dose was ok with the doctor. Well, we ended uo forking out the $150 to get both meds. Oh how I despise prescription drug companies and their horrible prices! 
Well, I should go read some. I find that it helps me get to sleep, and I need to get to sleep. Unfortunately, I have a lot on my mind, so It may take me some time to get to sleep, or even be able to focus on the book. Ain't OCD grand?
1 Comment
  1. bluebuddha 16 years ago


    Hi! I'm sorry that you have been having a rough time. Try to take the medication more regularly, that will help, you should never just suddenly stop, that can be harmful to you. I know the drug company and insurance thing is a nightmare! Be proud of yourself for being proactive and trying to do everything you can to get better. That is probably 90% of what will make you better in the long run and that's your effort. Be well.


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