I wish I could say last night was fabulous. I wish that I could say that I spent the night laughing with my husband, playing with my boys, and then after tucking them in to bed I had some quality time on the couch with my husband watching our favorite show. But no. That did not happen. I watched the kids from 3 until 6. Once my husband got home I made dinner for everyone and then I scurried off to bed like I normally do at about 6:30 PM. I wonder if this is what I would be doing on a week night had I not gotten hooked on Oxycontin. I wonder.

I met my husband when I was just taking my exit from the restaurant industry. I had just started my "real" job and I was still very much a wild child. He on the other hand was not. He was a very good kid, still living at home with his folks and I was not the kind of girl that he usually dated. In fact I don't think that he ever dated more than once before he met me. There was more than one occasion that I told him that I was not the kind of girl that he should be dating and that he should go and find someone that would be better for him, but he refused. Every time we had this talk he stood by my side and chose to stay every single time. One night after a night of drinking we were laying in my bed and he started to talk about getting married. Man oh man, if I had a nickle for every drunk boy that laid his head on my pillow and talked about marriage. ANYWAY….this particular time in my life I was actually ready to settle down. I had had enough drinking, drugging and partying, so I thought anyway.

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