so, I just found out that the fam wants to go out to brunch for easter tomorrow. that in itself is setting me of into panic attack. I feel like my heart is gonna burst…and i hands hurt almost like the skin itself…does that happened to anyone else when anxious?

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anyway, been dealing with some crappy person but i'm not going to deal with it anymore, i'm detoxing them from my life because I have to much to deal with to add someone else onto that list.

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they question if I really hate myself or have anxiety or have done what i've said to my body….do they really want the proof? because I have the pictures and reports and it's not pretty. so if I need to do that…let me know! until then just leave me alone you abusive bully.

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those kinds of people just aren't worth it. they point out all your faults and flaws(not knowing what you;ve to try and get past whats killing you) and that they are the know it all perfect angel.

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it's nothing worth fighting with them because it'll be never ending. so just don't fuck with those bastards, leave them to their own fucking issues.

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this site is supossed to be supportive and helping of one another. but even here there are people you can't trust. they'll just use it against you.

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so that's it on that. don't try to judge someone if you haven't walked in their shoes. everyone's pain is different. and the cover isn't always whats on the inside.

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now, back to tomorrow, I really don't want to go. I haven't left the house in a month because of my anxiety. so i'm freaking out. but if I don't go then mom will just use that as an excuse not to go either.

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so i'm stuck…I'm gonna need to load up on xanax….



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