Ok, on my profile for dating it says confused, because I dont know what to do from day to day. Ive been dating this guy for six years, and he knows all about my anxiety. When things are good with us they are good, but when they are bad they are really bad. He is a very negative person most of the time and he is not nice to people. He has never hurt me or my kids, but he just doesnt talk to people nicely and that really bothers me. He also struggles with social settings, where I do too but I make the best of it, I dont act rude to people to avoid having to talk to them. So we have obviously had some issues,l and these issues exist even when Im doing well with my anxiety. So now that you have a little backround on us Ill get to the point, Yesterday was a particularly bad day for me very dizzy and my head and neck hurt pretty bad, I always continue on with my day rather then let my kids know there is something wrong, I try to keep there enviroment positive even when Im not feeling it. So yesterday, same as every weekend he layed on the couch all day, not saying much to any of us, I asked him what was wrong and he said nothing, what he always says. Then last night I tried to talk to him about why he always seems so mad, and he brought up the video program I have been working on. They had a cd you were suppose to let a loved one listen too. He many times now brings it up, "you should listen to that cd I listened to", or that cd said you would act like this, or see the cd says you always have to be in control. So now I kind of feel like hes using it as a weapon on me, where it was suppose to be helpful. Anyone have any ideas because Im ready to throw in the towel, I cant deal with any more stress and talking to him doesnt seem to help. I would really appreciate anyones advice.

1 Comment
  1. Taco_Belle 15 years ago

    I've read your blog a few times, and the only positive thing I've been able to come up with in regards to this guy is that he sometimes manages to be less of an ass than usual. He seems confrontational and uncommunicative, and the CD thing is classic passive-aggressive behavior. It sounds like even when he's with you, he's not really "with" you, and if he isn't open to discussion at all, I say it's time to take back your couch and punt him.

    Kids are smart. They're extremely sensitive and intuitive, and I'm sure you want them to expect to be treated better than you are in their future and current relationships. If he seems angry to you all the time, the kids are probably picking up the same thing. Have you asked your kids how they feel about him? He doesn't sound very pleasant, and they may just be tolerating him for your sake. If you're ready to throw in the towel, you probably should. Let them know you'd rather be alone than mistreated.

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