Hello fellow bloggers,

I have been following this blog for about a year and never posted anything since I never felt I had anything of particular interest or significance to add.

I’ve been living on Cipralex for 2 and a-half years (10mg/day). When I started the medication I was very apprehensive and have always viewed it as a temporary solution to my anxiety. Since then I have done it all: exercise, diet, meditation courses, yoga, Buddhism etc. Coupled with the medication they made the anxiety manageable but I never have stayed committed to any of these things aside from yoga a few times a week.

In the past 8 months I have tried to reduce the medication to the point I could get off completely but each time I would spiral back into anxiety. I was doing this, as my doctor recommended by cutting the does in half (this was as far as I ever got – 5mg per day).

Three months ago my friend gave me a bag of Mila (chia seeds) to try because she had read Omega 3’s have been shown to improve brain function and reduce depression and that Mila was high in Omega 3s. (I had heard this about fish oil but am a vegetarian). Two weeks after eating the Mila I felt like a brand new person and was able to get off the Cipralex two weeks after that. I have been two months off the medication and have changed nothing else in my life (I did this with my doctor’s approval). I cannot tell you how happy I am to be living without the medication and without the anxiety. My fiancé and I are happier than we have ever been and I owe it all to my friend for introducing me to this. If you want more information please email me I am happy to make new friends ewaffle86@gmail.com. I wish everyone reading this strength to fight this battle. Know that you can win because you deserve to!

With love,



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