If you are a smoker or have tried to quit smoking, you know how irritable you can get without your faithful companion. There are times when you want to tear the head off the person in front of you, no matter who it is. People start to tread lightly when you are in their presence in fear that you may have a full on homicidal moment!

I’ve gone through some irritation, but it hasn’t been bad so far. I am using nicotine lozenges which have helped a lot. I am also meditating every now and then. I focus on my breath. I picture myself breathing out a black cloud of smoke and breathing in light and positivity. This helps to soothe the urge to smoke in addition to all of the other benefits you’ll receive from meditation. But keeping myself busy has helped the most. Cleaning house, working, reading, taking a walk, meditating…whatever it takes. I’m keeping my distance from people so that I don’t say something I may regret. When I’m not smoking, my verbal filter and patience disappears.

I realized that smoking was not only damaging my physical health, it was also hurting me emotionally. Because I felt terrible physically, I would move into a depressed state. Laziness had set in and anyone that knows me knows I’m not lazy. I have more energy than I know what to do with most of the time. I resemble a Tasmanian Devil most days.

So far, I’m seeing some positive changes:

1. I can breathe better already.

2. I have so much more energy than I did before.

3. I’m much more productive.

4. I have more time to do the things I’ve been wanting to do.

5. My memory seems to be getting a little better.

6. I don’t feel guilty because I know I’m no longer damaging my health.

There are so many good things I am getting out of this already. Any suggestions from my readers would be greatly appreciated.


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