My gosh everyone, what a surprise when I decided I needed to stop by the tribe instead of paying bills! Thank you so much for the birthday wishes! It topped off a great day. At work, during our weekly board meeting, out came a cake, a card, and a beautiful print. For those of you not in California, Mrs. Garamendi is married to our head insurance guy and she is the top appointee to the state fair board for which I work. Anyway, she is an artist and gave me a lovely signed print, and made me wear her banana necklace for the day. It  was pretty special. I got what I wanted for my birthday, Saturday afternoon alone, music  blasting and cleaning house finally. I've been getting up at 4, get to work at 6:30, get off between 4:30-6:00, driving down to the rental cabin repairing and renovating the bathroom, coming home around 10:00, cleaning house until 11:30 and going to bed around 12-1. Now the cabin is set, has renters in it for 10 days and I am trying to get caught up on the house. The other night I slept 7 hours and felt like I'd been hit by that last drink! LOL! For whatever reason, 4-5 hours sleep gives me a rush. UH OH>>>

Can't begin to tell you all how much I miss you. But heck with the bill collectors, I need to touch base with you all and just don't have the time to do it individually, please forgive me.

I know, every night I will sit down and check in with one person, ok? I really need it, you guys keep me going and with a smile on my face to boot!

Sorry to any newcomers I have missed, welcome, and welcome. It has always been important to me to respond to you because I remember how many arms were open when I first joined. Keep coming back!!!

So, I have to get back to the dirty work,

I love you all, and thank you again for the hugs, e-gifts, white chocolate kisses and most of all for being my friends, as well as the most awesome group of people I have ever known. Sometimes overwhelmed can be a good thing!!!

Peace and Much Love, Demi


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