I feel like a phony!
I clearly remember the first time I ever felt like I wanted to be a girl. I was very young, maybe ten or eleven years old. It didn’t feel odd or wrong, it just felt like I would be happier if I was a girl. I wanted to do the things a girl can do that boys were forbidden to do back in those days. Yeah, boys could take ballet lessons but not normal boys. Ballet boys were weak and gay and basically freaks. What parents would even allow that back in those days? You have to understand this was a very, very long time ago. Anyway, I could never show any interest as a boy so I just continued to dream as a girl. I never thought about anatomy or anything sexual. I only knew the very basics of sex but really didn’t know enough for any of that to factor into what I wanted. I wanted to dance and be a part of the ballet community. I wanted to be one of the girls on stage in my leotard and tights. I wanted to be with the girls every day in dance class, hanging out afterwards, talking about costumes, makeup and everyday life as a dancer. It was very simple and innocent and a very comforting dream for me.

As the years went by my interest in ballet and ballet dancers never waned. My desire to be one of them never waned either. A few times as a young teen I flirted with the idea that I should ask my parents to enroll me in dance class. I wanted it so badly but could never utter the words. Instead I just kept it in and dreamed insistently about what my life would be like had I been born a girl. It would have been so easy if I were a girl, almost expected back then. Of course, every girl took dance lessons, but no, not the boys. We had to play baseball and football which I was never any good at. Maybe I wouldn’t have been a great dancer either but at least I’d be doing the thing that I loved. So I secretly kept my interest alive, learning and vicariously experiencing all I could about the world that I couldn’t be a part of in real life. I started collecting dance clothes and secretly wearing them when I could. My wardrobe began to grow because I had to have outfits to wear to dance class and after dance class when I went out with friends. The girl inside of me began to have her own personality. She has her own style of clothing and love for all things dance related. Over the years she became a woman and began to develop sexuality. From the very beginning she was confused because she was attracted to both boys and girls. This was very foreign to me because I never believed that type of sexuality was possible. Remember, I grew up in a time when being gay was a mental disorder. Terms like, Trans and Queer and Non-Binary didn’t exist. There was nothing for me to reference on this topic and yet that woman inside of me developed in a way that I couldn’t imagine. This presented (and still does) an entirely different set of questions and confusion.

So, years went by and I tried from time to time to push all of this hard to deal with stuff out of my life. But it never left me. It couldn’t leave me because it was and is me. Unfortunately the taboos that I grew up with are also still with me. Younger people today think that it is hard dealing with gender issues but I am telling you that you have no idea how hard it was years ago. I am not saying that it is easy in today’s world, just that it is much easier than it was 30 or 40 years ago. There is a lot more acceptance in today’s world and so much support if you know where to look for it. I know what to do. I know I need to find good professional help. I know that I need to transition to finally be happy. I have the ways and the means to do whatever I want with my life and yet I still wallow in this pitiful, hidden world. The negativity and awful lessons learned from so many years ago are still holding me back. I know it sounds like an excuse but I don’t know how else to explain it. I have wasted an entire lifetime living a lie. Only being my real self behind closed doors, inside my home. What a phony I am.

I have no real friends because no one knows the real me. When I say that it is due to my own fault for not being able to be honest with someone close to me. Even when I had a wife for many years I couldn’t tell the whole truth. Now, I guess everyone thinks I’m fucked up in some way but they can’t quite put their finger on what that is. Even here on this website where I can vent honestly, everyone gets tired of me after realizing that I am a lost cause. I guess I am just that. I have no excuses for not coming out and transitioning. Most of you probably think that make me a phony. I’ll probably die soon and take this to my grave, wasting a life that could have easily been saved.

  1. linktothepast 3 months ago

    When you say you’ll probably die soon, I hope you do not mean taking your life. I have heard the term suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. I do agree with this somewhat but there are times a person needs to change their situation for this to happen.

    You are not a phony and that is imposter syndrome and girl it has its talons deep in you. You are correct without any exaggeration at the time of being gay factually being considered a mental health disorder and thankfully that medical guideline is outdated and even though the DSM changed to not consider trans a mental health disorder, some people have not gotten that memo. Like you trans, queer and non-binary were not on my lexicon nor most people of my time. When I finally came around to a trans woman on the internet, I thought they were born that way and I was fascinated which I guess was an early sign? *shrugs*

    I can relate to not being able to be honest a long time ago and it has lead to things being complicated and up in the air with my wife. You should not feel bad about it because hiding has proven to have kept you safe and gave you a chance on love, but like you hiding all of yourself has lead to being left behind. If you feel that strongly that you need to transition, you first need to think of your safety first and foremost. Then make a 2-5 year plan on the steps you will need to take to achieve this because it will not be a quick thing at all.

    I REALLY understand the time crunch feeling that you’ve spent so many years of regret of what ifs but it is never too late to change your stars and what matters is what will make you happy. It is never too late because people have transitioned late in life, like our dear BobbiD on the site took the plunge at 59! I can tell you right now that what you will need is a support system because if you feel isolated now, it will only get worse. Finding LGBTQ+ in person support groups in your area, especially the trans/queer/non-binary will be a great help.

    I hope you do not think everyone gets tired of you. Sometimes a person just runs out of things to say and needs time for an update to avoid repeating the same things over and over.

    I hope you are having a better day when you first wrote this

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  2. iris-dar 3 months ago

    Hey Jamie, I really hope that you realize that you are not alone!! There are lots of people like us out here.. it just takes a long time…. and a lot of courage to act on these feelings.
    I got lucky with my parents and my family, but it (me being trans) took a long time for them to understand. Mom got me first, my brother and sister figured it out by the time I was 6, but dad took more than ten years. At least he and mom understood enough to let me take hormone blockers until I was older. I have absolutely no regrets about starting HRT, this time of my life is full of emotions; excitement, fear, joy, loss ( my mom mostly ), relief at starting to “pass”. But despite all of this I know on the inside who I am, to myself this has never been in doubt. This sense of knowing myself brings me at least a small bit of calm acceptance.
    You are real, you are beautiful, you are kind and you are loved and understood, by me.
    Sending you lots of love and acceptance – Iris (and Bob the dog)

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