Hi I’m Katie I just joined today


About a year and a half ago I stopped going to school (I’m 14), I had recently lost two close family members and was going through a lot. A couple mothers later I was diagnosed with depression and I have been dealing with anxiety since a young age at the time I thought I was just grieving but I now realise that the deaths were just the tipping point and everything going on in my brain had just overflown. Now I’m still dealing with anxiety and depression and nothing has gotten better in fact it’s probably got worse and now my doctors and therapist are looking into getting me checked for autism, I just don’t know what to do anymore I don’t understand myself I need help but i feel like I’m un help able and the only way to get out is suicide. I love my family my mum is honestly my favourite human being and every time these suicidal thoughts come I think of her but recently I’ve been thinking it will be better for everybody if I went here and honestly I don’t know what to do my brain feels like it’s about to explode.

  1. tropicalgirl 1 year ago

    Hi Katie. Makes me sad to read this. You have definitely been through soooo much. I perceive you are a strong person. I just want to encourage you to keep going to therapy. I know how it feels like your brain is about to explode, literally there is no way of keeping it quiet and it just drains every bit of energy inside us. On the other hand I am happy to read that you have a good relationship with your mother. Talk to her, tell her how important she is to you, hug her.

    You matter. Don’t forget that. I send you energy and good vibes.

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  2. iris-dar 1 year ago

    Hey Katie, my name is Iris and I have been dealing with depression too… we have more in common than you might think.
    Please, please, please do not hurt yourself. This world is better with you IN it!
    I am so sorry about what you are going through, I am sure that you don’t feel like you will ever be happy again. Like you want to spend all day sleeping, because in your dreams you can believe that they are still alive. I know I wanted to,
    I lost my mom when I was twelve.
    It was really rough for a while, thank god for my brother, sister and father! They are my heroes, but not so much as mom, I felt like my entire world had come apart. I was so nervous about what I should do next!, I had no clue. My friends wanted to help, and they did coax me out of my misery. Hugs are awesome!
    I had no idea what to do. Feeling all of these things is normal, it is not bad. You might start feeling better if you can find someone to share your emotions with, someone who can listen to what you want to say, someone who can help. Q – Do you have someone you can talk to?
    Do you have any hobbies or sports… where you can let all of this tension get out of your head? Maybe write it down?
    I do have some good news for you… This is the worst you are going to feel, today, here, right now. Time will help the hurts hurt less. but it is always better with lots of hugs.
    If you leave right now, who will you be leaving behind? Don’t you want them to understand what you are feeling?
    I am sending you some prayers for peace, a good nights sleep, a hug and some hope. – Iris

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