about 3 weeks ago o figure out that I have Celiac Disease. Its when you have an intolerence to gluten. I was very weak and I kept having to go to the restroom after I ate something. It was rediculous, my stomache would bloat and I would be very uncomfortable. My intolerance caused my small intestine to have villia atrophy so I wasnt absorbing any of the food that I was eating. I have been gluten free for about 3 weeks and I can feel my intestine working better now. It has been a stuggle to change my diet. Lst night I had dinner at my aunties house and she knows that im going gluten free so she cooked me a gluten free diet but we didtn know that soy sauce has gluten in it and that was what the bbq was marinated in. Today was a hard day of recovery. I have always been on the out side of everything social or invovled because of the physical things that i feel and because Im on the outside I feel depressed and alone. I have no idea how the fuck to get through this. Im just stumbbling around. I guess that is jsut what I have to do. It sucks to be going through this alone, i know I have my mom to help me out but its hard to explain to her how vulnerable i feel. Its hard to dothis on my own every day is a struggle because I have to eat like every 2 hours because I feel dizzy or really weak its hard to be in school, its hard to sleep, its hard to just sit. Because of celiac i have this rash thing now called DH its extremely itchy and its always bothering me. I jsut want a fucking break and I jsut want to be fucking healthy, I just want my health, my fucking physical health and mental health!
So it would appear my parents have no power over me anymore. And I have friends.
bluemonday23, , Depression, Anxiety, Child, Relationships, 0
So I guess I just realised something. My parents know nothing about me as a person anymore. I don't...
Random Rambelings
georgie, , Depression, Child, OCD, 2
Four weeks ago I lowered my Zoloft from 150mg down to 100mg, since I got worse I should have...
I don't care.
Ghostgirl, , Depression, 0
@ ancientgeekcrone & kelseyzeee – I did finally call public safety last night. I tried to ignore the noise...
Bad Night and Morning
sadviolinist, , Depression, Anxiety, Career, Sleep Disorders, 2
This morning has not been the best of mornings for me. The dog woke me up at 3 a.m....
Sadaco, , Depression, Therapist, 0
Is there ever a time come when no one wants anything from you but to be who you are?...
Just a message from me to you
Adina Giorgiana, , Depression, Bipolar, Child, Questions, Sleep Disorders, 0
Hello, everyone, my name… (* sighs, deep breaths*) is Adina :)). A good start for someone who is currently...
Smokey, , Depression, Child, 0
What is the meaning of loss? The connotation of loss is usually a bad thing. But sometimes loss is...
Room 1408.
sunny_side_down, , Depression, Anxiety, Depression, 0
I’m shaken up. All I can hear is that guy shouting bad words about me. I don’t want to...