My OCD is centered around emetophobia, which is fear of vomiting. Naturally, contracting the stomach virus would be number one on my “fear hierarchy.” Well, my time finally came and two days ago, I spent the night sweating and trembling on my bathroom floor between heaves. I was able to keep an Ativan down, so I survived, but now, two days later, I am consumed by a desire to compulse. To clean, to sanitize, to Lysol, to throw out everything that may have a germ on it. Why? To keep my fiancé from catching it. Why? Because then my anxiety will last and last and last. Why? Because I can’t trust him to contain the spread of germs. So what? I DONT KNOW. I already had it! I’m the reason the germs are here in the first place! I can’t figure this fear out. The one thing my mind keeps trying to tell me I’m sure of, is that I am not a normal person. You see, I’m a therapist. I’m about to be sitting for my LCSW exam, and I’ll be getting married in the fall. These OCD flare ups make me feel like none of that is possible for me. They make me feel like I will never be loved, or cared for, or respected because my mind is irrational and takes control over me and makes me lose myself. I fight to reclaim myself. I fight to keep my mind and my sanity and my LIFE from this illness that makes me feel like nothing. I felt so good, and now I feel so bad. But the bad is temporary. I am not my illness. I am not the drowning, dark, fear that makes me feel so alone and swallowed and empty. The bad is temporary. The bad is temporary.
Who I am
Silverwolf1997, , Anxiety, Depression, LGBT, Anger, Anxiety, Depression, Lesbian, Gay, LGBTQ, PTSD, Relationships, Self Esteem, Suicide, Therapist, 0
Hi I’m silverwolf1997 I have depression, anxiety and ptsd When I was 15 I realised I was bisexual but...
Adidas herrenschuhe
adidaswings, , Depression, 0
Neben Fußball, WM-Match-up adidas schuhe herren und Nike, die Sportartikel-Giganten, die aktuelle Situation, Adidas Auge kriechen und Sammlung von...
Is it working?
Solo_Hans, , Depression, Anger, Anxiety, Medication, Obesity, Weight Loss, 0
I'm not really anxious, but for the past few days I have been jittery. Up to about 5 years...
So. About me.
Nova, , Depression, Career, Child, Obesity, Relationships, Social Anxiety, Stress, 1
So. I just joined this site, and I didn’t feel like posting a blog right after I did, because...
I don't even know.
j8wk4qee, , Depression, Relationships, 1
i use you guys as my personal diary. but anyway, so, i don't even know right now. the littlest...
It's whatev
iheartink, , OCD, Relationships, Sleep Disorders, 5
well it's the 2nd thanksgiving without my dad. it's really hard still even though it'll be two years this...
No Winning:
lesbe_me, , Depression, Anger, Autism, Career, 0
I'm here to help, i try and help & everything gets turned against me. My nephew has autism –...
somethin’s gotta give
delane1, , Anxiety, Depression, Marriage & Family, OCD, Anxiety, Career, Stress, Therapist, 2
Watching the rain as it hits the pond…. This week has started off rather negatively, for the most part. ...
I almost skipped over your blog, as I do not have OCD nor do I have anyone close to me with OCD. As I read, I started thinking “I cannot relate to this person. I have never experienced this. I have no advice or thoughts to offer.” Then you said you are a therapist. What hit me was this: “Who better to help others through these episodes than you?” I know it is hard to see while you are in the middle of an OCD sanitizing spree, But, you will be able to understand others better than most. I cannot come up with any reason why you did the things you did today. But I will say, thanks for sharing. I think you will be able to help a lot of people when you do begin to practice.