Today I was searching Google looking for some sort of online help for my stress filled life; this site is what I found. Maybe it will make me feel less alone.

I am currently a full time on-campus student majoring in Business Management and working part time at a local hotel at the Front Desk.

I am what we are calling pre-engaged. Basically we know we want to get married it is just a matter of having the funds to get the ring for the offical engagment.

My family (who consists of my mom whom I still basically live with and my siblings who are all grown married and have families) Thier view is that life goes like this: you graduate high school w/ academic honors, move away to school, get a good education, get married, have a career. Well due to my depression and anxiety disorder, that doesn\'t work exactly right for me. They don\'t understand that though which is where the stress sets in. What I want is to move out of my mom\'s and for my boyfriend and I to get our own place while I take classes some online some in the classroom to get my degree. Then when we have enough money we\'ll get married. problem 1.) my school has a housing policy that states you may only live off campus if you live w/a parent or gaurdian problem 2.) i don\'t know if we can financially support ourselves unless I get a higher paying job.

My true options are: a.) live on campus and be a full time on campus student b.) live at my moms but continue in school full time c.) continue to "live at my dorm" but spend most the time at my moms d.) drop all my classes and work full time going to school online e.) live at mom\'s and lighten my class load

I\'m just so lost right now. I dont really have any friends. I wanted to live on campus to try and make friends but the anxiety drawn up from trying to stay at my dorm doesn\'t get me friends. I have no one to talk to other than my mom and nick. Sometimes you just need someone else\'s idea but I don\'t have that. I just feel so alone sometimes. 🙁 Any comments are greatly appreciated.




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