Lately, I’ve been feeling worse than usual. My parents won’t listen when I try to tell them about the problems they keep begging me to tell them about. I can’t reach any of my friends because my phone broke when I took out my dog. I used to not show my emotion to anyone at home because they took it as attitude. Now I’m expressing my emotions and I can’t hold them in anymore. My dog keeps tearing things up and now she’s in heat. I no longer know how I am to cope because I can’t see my friends due to being quarantined because I was near somebody that got COVID-19. I can’t even the last time my room was cleaned and I’ve been ignoring my sadness because I didn’t want my family to see me that way, so instead, I exchanged my sorrow for rage in a futile attempt to not be asked if I am okay. No, I’m not okay.
Always something to worry about
deidrexx, , Depression, Anger, Anxiety, 0
I saw K last night and I'm happy that we finally got to be together again for another night.....
JA, , Depression, Anger, Depression, Suicide, Therapist, Therapy, 5
interersting morning…. on the way to work I wittnessed a suicide attempt. This man was sitting on a pillar...
What happens next?
AgonyNess, , Depression, Depression, Domestic Abuse, PTSD, Stress, Suicide, 0
Well depression affects everyone differently doesn’t it. I have been brought up from a very young age with a...
inside my head
delane1, , Addiction, Anxiety, Depression, Marriage & Family, OCD, Therapist, 2
Well, it all boils down to the fact that things will not change unless we/i change them. Effort has...
Star2015, , Depression, Anger, 0
Last night I opened up to my husband. I regret the way I did it. I expressed my feelings....
sadviolinist, , Depression, Depression, Sleep Disorders, Stress, 2
It's been a busy day so far and I'm wiped out. Zachary has been full of energy and I...
It shouldnt Hurt to be a Child
silentscreams, , Depression, Anxiety, Child, Depression, Domestic Abuse, Emotional Abuse, Parenting, Personality Disorder, PTSD, Relationships, Religion, Sexual Abuse, Suicide, Therapist, Therapy, 2
I really like that campaign which is the title of my blog going on a limb..i read ppls...
Whee going in circles
OopsDoomed, , Depression, Addiction, 0
I've always pretty much measured my wellness by my circumstances. I always figured, all things considered, I have adjusted...