Legends of Tomorrow


Does anybody else watch the CW Superhero show “Legends of Tomorrow”? The reasons I ask is that there was an episode where one of the characters met his younger self and gave the advice to really cherish his wife and appreciate her. Despite all his accomplishments and accolades the one constant that matters most to him is his wife.

This resonated with me especially at this time because of the weekend my girlfriend admitted to me that she had doubts about our compatibility. This definitely caught me off guard. I thought we were doing well. I have my ups and downs about it. Some days I look at it from the positive where at least we’re still together now and I can still do something about it. Other times, like right now, I get really scared because I don’t know how I can emotionally deal with not having her in my life.

On another note it really is interesting when you see stories of someone talking about their lives they usually talk about the moments and people in their lives. They don’t really brag about the possessions or wealth they owned. With 2016 winding down I often think about time and how quickly it goes by. I’m also reminded of my mortality and how short life truly is either one way or another. One of the things I realized in my relationship was that I was so focused on saving money for a better future than I think I often neglected the present and emotionally caring for my girlfriend now. I got too comfortable and complacent in the relationship.

I would have loved to have ended my blog entry there, but unfortunately it didn’t meet the word requirement for blogs. Again, I disagree with putting that minimum in order to post a blog.

1 Comment
  1. delane 7 years ago

    ***hugs*** UFCDarkKnight, all that you’ve said makes perfect sense. i don’t know the ‘status’ of your relationship, as of this moment, but IF you want it to work/last, i’d say that ya’ll need to talk about it. i really hope that’s the case.
    i don’t agree with the minimum wordage, either, my friend…sometimes, you just wanna write a lil to say a lot, and other times, well…we fit the requirements.
    Regardless, i’m glad you’re still writing. i hope things smooth out for you, soon.

    0 kudos

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