There is magick inherent in tea. So far this morning, I have had a Sencha (green tea) for health and wealth, a Yerba Mate for energy and joy, and now I am having a Chai, for love, luck and protection. It also helps to stir in milk and/or honey for an added boost, and the direction in which you stir has significance. Clockwise (deosil) brings things to you, anti-clockwise (widdershins) takes things away from you.

Tea is an inexpensive and innocuous way to get some magick into your day. That’s helpful for Wiccans like me who have mental health problems and don’t always have the energy to cast a full spell or perform a full ritual. It also helps when one doesn’t really have a specific need and just wants a boost of magickal energy.

Green tea= Fire; Black tea= Earth; White tea= Air; Oolong tea= Water

I have just finished burning a green-tea-scented incense as well. Such a peaceful scent. My mind is scattered in many places today. Meditating with Chai (or any tea) is helping, but I still feel like I’m mentally herding cats. I also did a Morning Meditation on the Insight Timer app. I highly recommend this app, it gives you free access to music, meditations, a personalized meditation timer, and sound healing tracks. They have live group events as well, but I think you must pay for those.

I’m trying to remember the 5 Things exercise: Name 5 things you can see, 4 things you can touch, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell, and 1 thing you can taste. It has helped me a lot when anxiety strikes and I can’t do anything magickal. It’s a very grounding exercise. Another thing I learned from another witch is to draw sigils or runes on the inside of one’s wrist. Today I have drawn the rune for strength and gratitude. It’s easy to wash off before my husband comes home.

I am going to burn some lavender incense next. I know today I’m burning “Fire” incenses for the Moon in Leo, but the lavender incense is very healing and I feel the need for that today.

With harm to none, blessed be.





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