Inquire within,




This is kind of long, so, if you have some form of dissociative identity disorder [DID] or if you think you have "multiple personalities", this blog may be of interest to you. OR if you like using art as part of therapy, this could be interesting to you as well.


In this book I am reading, the therapist had his female patient draw her "others" however she thought thought of them. I thought this idea was genius. I couldn\'t imagine why I had never tried it before. So, I drew out my feelings. It turned out fairly simplistic. I\'m certain that I didn\'t represent every "other" in my head, but it\'s a start.


Song Bird- represented by a plump bird on a branch. I call her Song Bird, but she is my inner child. She is always very upset, crying, and very fearful. She doesn\'t like people to get close to her, physically nor emotionally. She has inappropriate emotional responses to things that are sad or scary.


Bam Bam- represented by the various weapons orbiting my head. She holds all my anger, jealousy, and greed. She only comes out when I feel the slightest bit threatened when in my home. She is like an Amazonian woman, as in, she is aggressive.


Nag- represented by the word itself, inside my head. I call her the Nag because that is all she does, literally. She is always upsetting Song Bird at inappropriate times. She is only in my head, and sometimes has conversations with my mother, where they both agree on things about me. She is the meanest one, even to the other "others".


Gypsy- represented by the heart along with the hand it is connected to. She is the one with all the pride, bravery and self confidence. She comes out when I need her desperately, or sometimes after Song Bird goes away. She comes out more prominently when Caleb is around. She is the most optimistic, the reason I got myself into therapy. I try to keep her head up and make her strong, because she holds the key, but she is always getting weaker.


NoName- represented by the balloon in the cage. Song Bird wants so desperately for the balloon to be let go, for it to be free. The balloon is my soul, it wants to be released so it can float away into nothing. Song Bird doesn\'t understand that this will make her loose the balloon forever, she just wants the joy of seeing the balloon fly free. The balloon is in a cage for now because Gypsy holds the key, and she doesn\'t want us all to die. Sometimes Song Bird sings one of her sad songs to Gypsy, hoping she will release the key. This is when I get thoughts of suicide. Gypsy gets closer and closer to giving in every time.


I am sure this confused whoever was kind enough to read it, but it\'s the best explanation I could manage. If you have a comment on any aspect of this blog post please feel free to leave a comment, or message me if it is more personal. I would love to get peoples thoughts on this.




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