I wonder what its like to live a happy life. To have a job you like or a family that loves you. I wonder what its like to know you will eat everyday. I wonder what its like to live in a nice home you know the kind you can actually be proud to invite someone over to. I wonder what its like to have a loving relationship. I wonder what its like to not be in physical pain all over your body every second of the day. I wonder what its like to have enough money to not be afraid of the bills coming in or be able to go to the doctor and be able to afford it or even be taken seriously. I wonder what its like to be pretty or skinny. Of course I will never know any of these things and i will always wonder and always envy these people who even just know what one of these things feels like. I am the only person i know who has none of the above. How someone could be as unlucky as me. I wonder how much longer i will need to live in misery.


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