does anyone carea bout the crying kid in the dark bedroom?

does anyone care about the girl selling herself on the street?

does anyone care about the teenage boy who is too afraid to come out?

does anyone care about the little girl cutting herself in the bathroom?

does anyone care about the 2 strangers walking along street?

does anyone carea about the lonely girl writing this?

does anyone care about the fallen angel that can’t find his place in this world?

does anyone care about the poser in the front row?

does anyone care about the dying kid on the bathroom floor?

does anyone care about the mother crying becuase her child killed themselves?

does anyone care about the scene kids on the street begging for money?

does anyone care about the lil girl praying to God that her dad won’t come in her at night?

does anyone care about the lil boy praying to God that his drunk mother will put the knife down and say she’s sorry?

does anyone care about the screaming next door??

does anyone care about the boy selling drugs so his friends will accept him?

does anyone care about the 15 killed in Iraq?

does anyone care about lonely old man on the street playing an oold guitar for money?

does anyone care about the woman across the hall who has to have One bottle of wine to deal with her juob?

does anyone care about the herion addict begging for help?

does anyone care about the satanist who finally believes but still goes to hell?

does anyone care why the chick walking down the street is so polite?

does anyone care about the scared goth?

does anybody care about the gangster killed last night?

does anyone care anymore about anything?

Today if people hear someone screaming next door they know whats going on but still they turn off the lights and go to sleep.

Guys will pick up 14 year old girls off the street just to fuck them then throw money at them and tell them to get lost.

Dads will torcher there daughters and sons becuase their childhood was hell.

Kids will sell and do drugs just to fit in.

Kids become gangsters just to be consider "cool".

People won’t even bother if they see a teenager with scars on their wrist.

People will nbeat up nice girls just becuase they consider themsleves "bad".

What is wrong with people today?

What is our once beautiful world coming too?

Why does HELL exist on earth?

People shouldn’t have to live this way nor survive thsi way!!

Please everybody take a good look at people and if you see and know something is wrong HELP THEM!!!

Don’t just pass it up liek its no biggie to them it is!! This is exactly why there is so much suicide nowadays cuase NO ONE cares anymore!!!

If you do care do something ABOUT IT!!!!

Don’t let another inisint soul go to HELL becuase our world is to hard!!

Be brave help someone!!!!  

Stop being so much liek other people!!
BE unique

BE the way GOD created you!!!!!!!!!!!!


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