My brain is full right now. Full of what I don’t know. Hopes, dreams, fears, memories, maybe it’s a little of all of them, maybe it’s none of them. The biggest thing on my mind right now is an overwhelming sense that I’ve wasted my potential. A sense that I could do more. A sense that I should do more.

I was 14 when I got two pieces of information that would define my life. One, you are capable of doing anything you want and if you really focus on it you will do it better than anyone has ever done before. Two, because you are capable of doing that, no one will ever understand you. If you ever do feel understood by someone, marry them.

Flash forward twenty years and my life is all about interesting things. Things  that are unique, clever or challenging. I’m all about making the impossible, possible. If you tell me I’m wrong I’ll put in everything to prove that I right and I won’t stop u til you change your mind.

that’s my gift and also my curse

I feel I could be doing more to make things better, but I don’t know what I mean by that. Sometimes I just see things that others don’t. It’s a lonely place to be

I’m wondering what the point is or if it’s worth going on?



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