you know i see a lot of people blog here and get no replies. it’s amazing with almost 5000 tribe members that we don’t share much with each other. since i joined the tribe a long way back, got kicked off and back on again i seea lot of new faces and hardly and of the old faces except for eldermon and healingtouch. betweeon the 3 of us we have over 80 years in recovery. i post here hoping to make suggestions that will work in your personal program of recovery. i do not give advice because nobody i have ever known has taken advice to heart. my question is why don’t you respond to blogs? you can learn a lot from oldtimers.

just because you have 6 months to 2 years you still don’t know shit about the true process of recovery. some of us oldtimers are here to help. don’t be afraid to write to us and ask questions if you can’t find the answer to help you in recovery. it’s a simple program but as addicts we can complicate the shit out of anything. from changing the toilet paper roll to screwing in a light bulb. if you don’t get something you need please just ask. we are here to give you what has freely be given to us by addicts that have gone before us. you are only late to your first meeting. for me i was 22 years late. i am no better than the newcomer i just got here before they did. it does not mean i am an NA guru or anything i just have this vast knowledge of recovery and the process one must go through to find the peace and serenity that i enjoy today. give yourself a break. i don’t want to hear about your day, i want to know what your doing to make your program of recovery better. what step are you one. are you calling your sponsor? are you going to as many meetings as possible? have you gotten that happy, joyous and free feeling yet? rhis simple 12 step program will save your ass if you let it.

Remember that recoery is a journey not a destination and use the rest stops along the way. stay clean and be good to youraself.


NA hugs,

JJ in Sunny hot Arizona

1 Comment
  1. michaelcali 15 years ago

    Hey JJ…A fickle  bunch at times is my only explination…I do so understand what you are saying…many times when I blog it is not just getting out what I want to say but looking for some feedback as well…the sharing and feeling not so unique, knowing that others have been through the same, just maybe the names are different and the DOC too…but the common ground is WE are recovering addicts…And this program and doing whatever it takes has saved this man’s life…ty for sharing Mike….

    0 kudos

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