I haven't been on here in quite a while, not for any specific reason, just haven't. I graduated from FSU in April with 3 Bachelor's degrees, was summarily rejected by first choice grad school, and started work at Scholastic Book Fairs in August. Since then I have literally been too tired to do much of anything but sit and read or occasionally watching 90's TV shows online.
My friend Meghan uses the spoon theory adopted by some of the diabled community: at the beginning of the day, we are allotted a certain number of spoons, and over the course of the day, our disabilities take them one by one. When we are too exhausted from work or mental issues or physical problems, we are out of spoons and therefore basically incapable of productivity. Until I started this job, I hadn't realized how much this theory applied to me. Between the physical tiredness, the pains from working, and my various and sundry anxiety issues, I haven't had spoons for months. Over the summer I was asked to guest blog on Queer Mental Health, which I did a couple of times in July. Then I didn't post anything again until yesterday, not because I didn't have anything to say, but because I just couldn't do it. The same for my regular blog. My last post before yesterday was in August. It's driving me nuts. For someone who just got one of her degrees in Creative Writing and is applying to MFA programs, not being able to write is torture. To my great delight, I managed a short update post at Askew Police (my blog), one at Queer Mental Health on Glee and OCD, and one for Vocal Youth on youth and OCD/anxiety disorders. Awesome.
The biggest news in recent months is that an essay I wrote on my own experiences with OCD has been accepted for publication in an anthology on women's mental health issues, titled It's All in Her Head, it's due out Spring 2013!
All this is to say life is going fairly smoothly even if I am freaking out a bit about the tiredness and lack of writing. The OCD creeps at the edges no matter what kind of day it is, of course, but hopefully the upswing in recent days is a good sign.
I hope so too!