Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) involves using magnets to stimulate activity in various parts of the brain. This in turn helps stimulate brain activity and when combined with antidepressant, increases results in those with treatment resistant depression. For insurance coverage most companies require that you tried at least three antidepressants and see no results. This is not a new form of treatment for depression. In fact, it has been around since the 1980s!

In my case, I tried over six antidepressants in my lifetime. I saw no results from treatment and in some cases, made other symptoms worse. Vomiting, increased anxiety, hallucinations, and more. I thought that because medication was not working, that’s there was no treatment option left for my depression.

Side effects from transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) are minimal. If you are prone to migraines, you may experience migraines. The other side effect I experienced was twitching in the face. Unlike Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) or Ketamine, you aren’t going to be injected with heavy drugs or anesthesia, so you can drive home safely after each session!

Treatment was not so bad, the worst part is probably the boredom. You are in a chair with a special piece of metal on your forehead and a machine shooting magnetic pulses to that piece of metal. The treatment tech who handles the machine often checks with you on discomfort level. They then adjust the pulses based on treatment plan/ comfort level.

I saw results in about three weeks. My depression was much less, I was feeling more energetic, and more motivated to get things done. I listened to podcasts while receiving treatment so it made time go by. Each session is about 25-30 minutes with standard treatment time being 36 sessions.

One thing I liked most about TMS was that it allowed me to continue to go to work nights while I received treatment during the day. I didn’t have to miss work or coordinate a ride home because TMS is a minimally invasive treatment plan.

Treatment cost me over $13,000. With insurance covering most of it, I had to pay about $1,000 out of pocket for me to receive treatment. I paid each day I came in and eventually withdrew from my savings to pay the rest down.

Post treatment, I feel much better than I did before treatment. I was suicidal almost every single day and felt hopeless. Now, I am able to get out of bed more and get things taken care of. I am still struggling with depression. Unfortunately, while TMS is an effective form of treatment, it does NOT cure depression. It only lessens it, stimulates brain activity so medication helps, and gives you a boost. While you are in treatment, you can ask for bilateral treatment. This is a secondary for of treatment added to your session that targets the parts of the brain responsible for anxiety. They offered bilateral treatment to me for free! But first, check with your treatment center and insurance.

My psychiatrist is saying I may need a boost session because I have treatment resistant depression. I am currently on venlafaxine 300 mg and I barely see results. It has been over 6 months since my last treatment date. My psychiatrist says some people need a boost. He also recommended alternative treatments such as ECT and Ketamine. But I am afraid of both of those forms of treatment because I am the sole driver in my household, nobody would be able to drive me home.

I still struggle with some days where I feel suicidal and hopeless. My depression isn’t as bad as it was before, but I still have my days. I am trying to explore things to help such as hobbies, but I am unsure where to start again.

I used to be such a bookworm, but now I can’t stand to read a book for more than fifteen minutes. I used to draw but have no inspiration nowadays to keep drawing. I used to write poems and short stories, but it’s like my imagination is gone. Has anyone else dealt with this? Did you find new hobbies or were you successful in returning to old hobbies?

  1. linktothepast 3 months ago

    Nice to hear from you again but I’m sad to hear what you’ve been up to recently. I do not know how you endure and you are a very strong person that I know I could not. Medical science is amazing at times and I really hope things work well because it is crazy how your quality of life goes up when on the correct medical treatment.

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    • Author
      matfeelz 3 months ago

      My treatment took place a little over six months ago. I just thought I would talk about an alternative form of treatment that isn’t really out there. It definitely made a huge difference in my life! But, I am still feeling down sometimes and suicidal. Just trying to find some things in life I can get pleasure from and feel happy like a hobby.

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  2. Mz_Unda_Std 3 months ago

    I recently heard of this treatment in a book I started reading a few months ago amd have picked up again. The author was Patient 1 in the first TMS trials and was part of a study for people on the autism spectrum. It os facinating to read about his experience. I have not finished the book yet but can’t wait to read more about his results. It’s good to hear that it has helped you. I have been considering it myself but wanted to do more research on it. I’m so sensitive to meds that I’d like to try others things. Thank you for sharing your experience.

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