7/6/14: I am starting to fear for my family…not in a homicidal sense but just the opposite: my life....
LadyPeach1983, , Depression, Addiction, Anger, Anxiety, Child, Parenting, Stress, 0My chest pains are back. This always happens when I am stressed out. But why I am stress this...
You find yourself struggling to breathe at times of panic. Wether its a social situation or a simple scenario...
Depressed..Need advice :(
ElleCe, , Depression, ADHD, Anxiety, Bipolar, Career, Child, Depression, Relationships, Stress, 2Where to start. W h e r e t o s t a r t… . . . I...
Sickeningly Spinning
sadviolinist, , Depression, Bipolar, Career, Child, Depression, Questions, Sleep Disorders, Stress, Therapist, 0Up again at 3:30 in the morning. Even when I "rest", I can't seem to get any real rest....
sadviolinist, , Depression, Anger, Career, Questions, Relationships, Sleep Disorders, Stress, 1My insomnia is getting the best of me again currently, and has been the last couple of nights. Tonight...