Today had a lot of ups and down. had a meltdown when I had to go to the store to get some work-out clothes (I convinced my family to let me go back to the gym)

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and some things didn't fit like they used to. so, I brokedown in tears. but when I did get to the gym I was there for an hour working non-stop. I would've stayed longer but my family got tired and wanted to go.

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I forgot how much I loved that exercise high. tomorrow I'll be on my own so I can go over (it's only like 5 minutes away at the most) and stay longer. started to lose some weight again.

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I don't care if what I have is just water weight from my organs trying to fix themselves. I don't like it, so it's coming off. I don't want to look like a pregnant whale anymore.

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my mom found out about my burning though, she saw my stomach. she cried, which irritated me. it's my body not hers. but after bringing it up a thousand more times she let it go.

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She doesn't understand. them of them do. how could they? tonight apparently there's going to be an eclipse? so…that should be cool?

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I'm not really sure how I feel right now, I just want to head back to the gym. that's the only time I've ever felt good in ages.

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I do have a problem with exercise abuse, but I don't really care at the moment. I need this. so i'm going to do it.

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hope you all had a good weekend…let's pray this week isn't to horrible, right?



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