Officially, why can’t we decide that we have survived enough hurdles in life and lock in the wisdom?  Then, the rest of life could just be smooth sailing!

We all are merely human, and everyone has challenges in their lives.  None of us have a perfect life.

We wouldn’t be who are right now if we hadn’t of experienced the sum total of all the good, in the middle and bad experiences that we have had so far!

Wise people tend to say we we all should live in the present, knowing we can’t change the past, nor assume anything about the future.  All we can do it is set ourselves up for the best future tomorrow by our actions and thoughts that we experience today.

What do you know for sure?

What do you want?

What could you do right now to not make your life worse?

What would make your life better?

What parts of your life could you change today to make today, next week, next year better?  It could be breaking a bad habit, a new routine, accepting others for who there are and possibly adjusting their role and influence in your life?

What have you done for yourself to be your own best friend today? What are your planning to do for yourself later to make tomorrow easier? It is your job to cherish, protect and love yourself everyday.

(((Hugs)))) to everyone.  We have all been through “stuff” and all we can do is our best.  We can keep moving forward one step at at time and know that we are brave and strong.

Remember, that you are worthy of love, and have always been enough.

Everyone hang in there and keep moving forward.  Wisdom being gained comes at a price and the journey of becoming wiser comes at a price.  The struggle is real, the heart break, the disappointment and the emotional pain is valid.  Mourn, cry, express, and then you will move past surviving to thriving.

Today, I am telling myself that I am “thriving” (going through the motions) and know that I am brave! I survived in the past and will continue to do so.   As you will you!

I am proud of me and everyone here on this site! We can do whatever it takes to gain the needed wisdom we are offered through the challenges.  We can wear the wisdom proudly and the things that we survive/thrive past will make our hearts more beautiful and compassionate.




  1. danr 2 years ago

    Very eloquently spoken.

    0 kudos

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