My husband and one of my sons has Covid and I am now a caregiver trying to stay healthy.  

They have taken turns being grumpy patients.  Now, my husband is being more grateful and less cranky.  

It is best described as the psychology phrase applied to a 2 years old children who want you to “help them do it themselves.”  It is so frustrating.  

It is very cold here and the snow and ice are still on the ground.

My plants are very healthy and are making healthy breathing air. 

I want to get out of the house even to take a drive but the roads are dangerous right now.   

We ran out of canned dog food today so now decisions have to made for having more food for them.  We have dry dog food but they are used to both kinds.  It is a small town and I know that everyone knows that we have two cases in our home.  I could be a carrier with no symptoms except a slight loss off smell and slight loss of taste.  I could even have a very mild cold not Covid. 

If only there was a drive through dog food option…. We are getting very low on fresh fruit too.  

It may sound not so bad being in a warm house with fireplaces in the winter with two healthy dogs, two healthy fish, healthy plants, one healthy son, one mildly sick son with Covid and husband with Covid who isn’t getting worse :knock on wood:::: with his covid illness so far.  It could be worse, it could be better.  

Later, I am going outside to take out the garbage and recycling.  Exciting stuff! Off to watch You Tube shark attack videos, and other ones that are educational as well.

A wise person once said, “Only boring people get bored.”  I can’t admit to accepting boredom or giving into it.  Care giving is something I am good at and it is going well.  It just feels like I am trapped in the house and want to take a break even for a hour and drive somewhere.  Anywhere.  Maybe I will go walk on the ice on the driveway with my broken big toe…. Nope, not such a good idea…..

I hope that everyone and their friends and loved ones are healthy, and feel content.

Spring will be here in 54 days I read somewhere yesterday.











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