I never thought I would be free of him. I had settled in like a rainy night. I just have up. I told myself “this is your life, you will never escape it…..escape him”. I was married to a Narcissist and not just a Narcissist a grade A Narc. The worst of the worst. Abisive (emotionally and eventually physically)

Let me give a back story. I got married really young, too young to be honest. I became a mom too young as well. I was 19, still a child myself. Although you couldn’t tell me that then. Thought I knew it all, but ohh the world taught me different . Anyway, I got married, had babies, end up quitting college and start working. I was/am a great mom. My children are my world. They are such a blessing. I actually stayed in my marriage for my children. I thought at the time it was the best thing. I think most parents do. It’s Not! They hear and see all and it does effect them.

Anyway, just when I thought my life could not get worse…it did. I was diagnosed with a chronic illness that caused another chronic illness that left me bed ridden for some time. I was totally dependent on the Narcissist . At his mercy and trust me he took full advantage. That’s when things went from bad to worse. I was in hell. I knew I would die in that house.

Long story short, I didn’t. Just when I gave up home. She found me. I found my love in a hopeless place. In a state of complete depression. She found me.

Depression is real. Anxiety is real. I know people like to say get over it but Thats Not how it works. She understood that.

I’ll leave it here for now but I’ll definitely share my stories.

  1. Thanks for listening😊

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