I just sit here, as I see my support staggering in the work place. The new janitorial guy is actually being pushed to go ahead and invest in his role and to not really worry about aiding me in anyway. I don’t care for the new HR here.  I am a collect all. Isn’t that wonderful? I order and make the coffee, take peoples requests, run the mail to the post office, run the mail when someone has a request for a package internally, take calls, like I normally would and I have inquired about what happens if I get sick. I have came in here many times when I was sick with migraines.  It is like pulling teeth to get anyone here to support me. Yesterday, they had a lunch function and they fed the volunteers, that is great. The janitorial person walks in here making what the other one took 33 years to make and expects more. He wants to ask me to do things for him. It turns out he is a real pain in my ass. He interrupts me every time I am in the middle of something and talks about the the next thing he has done that hasn’t been taking care of, he talks down about how they run things around here, he wants a raise and then says he won’t do anything to help make coffee because it is not in his job description.  I have written the pros and cons of the work place here.  They keep giving me more and more and they don’t support me in return. They want me to order these lunches for the president, there are times I have to leave the desk to get them and drive. I am reimbursed but I am the receptionist. I was given a raise, I launder their towels and this guy gets to walk in here and expects more? I don’t know why it is all falling apart. I really don’t. I am trying to practice listening to scripture and I don’t know what else to do.


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