I often find myself thinking about this very question on a daily basis. Things were so exciting before University started, there was so much to look forward to, so many people to meet, the concept of leaving home was mesmerizing and I couldn’t wait. I was convinced that I would end up with the same great group of friends that I had in high school, and that I’d branch out and spread my wings so much during the “greatest years of your life”.
Only being almost a semester into my first year of University, I have found that things aren’t quite as amazing and exciting as I had thought. People start to show their true colours and it hurts to see that those you once believed would be with you for a long time begin to turn away from you and cause more issues than any good. People begin to change around you, and sometimes you can’t even recognize yourself.
It isn’t the school portion that gets to me. It’s the novelty wearing off from all the new experiences and feelings that were induced from being in a completely new place with different people and living away from home. If I could have everything be perfect around me, I would be thriving in my classes. I’m doing what I love, so why don’t I feel that love for this place?
Where is there really to go from here?