this is how i feel,
sorry if i”m crazy sorry if i”m ugly i can”t help that i”m a mess i can’t do any thing about being a lazy ass bitch and i guess i will have to live with the demons that hide behind my eyes i will have to have these thoughts intel the day i die, i’m to scared to die but i’m to scared to live.
i’m just done with every one telling me that all of these feelings will pass and that days will get beater but i’m done with hear that shit i just want someone to tell the truth i just need someone to tell me that this world is fucked up and that i’m not crazy and that i’m predicted the way i am and that and that i’m not fat or ugly and what i do to myself when i’m alone dose not make me insane. why can’t people tell me things that i need to hear cuz all the shit they do say is not helping cuz no one cares and the world is fucked up so why would they be beater days i understand i will not feel like this forever but right not it dose not seem like that it seems like death is the only answer but i know it’s not i still can’t seem to stop thinking what would this world be like if i did end my life would people cry would they miss me they can tell me they would be sad and not happy but how do i know if it’s the truth. why is this shit so hared i know no one ever said that life would be easy but why did they not say it was going to be hard either cuz if you think about it no one tells you it’s easy but they also don’t tell you it’s going to be hard with out saying it or was i just the only one how seen this or am i just crazy i know this is a lot i don’t even know if any of this makes any since cuz if i go throw and read it i will never posted this cuz all of my best work is the stuff i don’t think about it’s the stuff that i just let my feelings out on if it’s art or a writing sorry this is a lot

1 Comment
  1. m20915 1 year ago

    I am sorry you feeling this way. Life has been hard for me, too. Remember that you matter and have value. Please live.

    0 kudos

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