So…I have a cousin asking for advice on plans.  I try to answer and if I’m not interrupted, I get told “I know.”  Also, he’s like a kid saying he’s bored all the time and it’s making him depressed.  I then send him ideas for upcoming performances or places to go that are cheap and he tells me “maybe” or “i’ve already seen it.”
I tell him that HE told me he wanted to do certain events that I’ve suggested and now he’s not interested as well as his “already seen it” even though the performance is set months in the future and I remind him…show’s change.  “All yeah but, it’s pretty much the same.”
I can’t win.  His parents never taught him respect and because he’s had a “hard life”, he feels he’s owed something.

Sadly, it’s not only him but my so called “friends” as well.  Interrupt, dismiss, find a negative.  Ask this point, I on’t want to go ou go anywhere.  I want to curl up into fetal position an falls sleep an never wake up.  Simply fade out of existence.


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